Bucks & Does is a fun mixed couples tournament typically held on the last Thursday of each month at the Pacific Grove Golf Links.
- Play Day Check in time is no later than 7:30 (for a shotgun 8:00 start)
- Sweeps are $5 per person; exact change is appreciated
- Players get together at the club house for lunch and awards after play
- Click Here to register for the next play date or to add your name(s) to the club mailing list. Important: Please register no later than noon, Monday of the play day week.
- If you need to cancel, Click Here
- To see who is playing, Click Here

Sheila Bilich

Jerry Robertson
You can Email our club captains at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
More Information about our club:
- Singles can apply to play; the captain will make every effort to match single Does with Single Bucks.
- You do not have to be a member of a Pacific Grove Golf Club to play, but you should know your GHIN handicap. If you don’t have a handicap, one will be assigned to you based on an assessment of your typical score and experience.
- Club members are encouraged to sign up to serve as Play Day Tournament Chairs one month during the year.
- The club hosts an annual potluck party at a member’s home.
- Group Information and a Sign-up sheet are also available in a binder in the Club House hallway.